2015 Sponsors
This amazing day is made possible through the generosity of the community.
Community Stage

Tryon Kiwanis International
Congregational Church Stage
Peter and Alison Shanahan
Episcopal Church Stage
Caroline and Austin Chapman
First Baptist Church Stage
The Miller Family
Tryon Fine Arts Center Stage
Lucy and Tim Brannon
Tryon Movie Theater Stage
Melrose Avenue Entertainment
Mary Ann Claud & Olin Sansbury
In Memory of Mara Smith
Wayne and Clara Rogers
Thousand Pines Company
Want to become a Super Saturday sponsor? Find out how!
And finally, remember that your tax deductible donations will help ensure that Super Saturday continues in years to come. Please send donations to:
Children's Theater Festival
34 Melrose Ave.
Tryon, NC 28782
Children's Theater Festival
34 Melrose Ave.
Tryon, NC 28782